Synergy Blend

Blu Scents Synergy Blends are all traditional England recipes, practising the ancient wisdom and art of blending, each with its own specific therapeutic values and delighting aroma.
When pure essential oils blended together, the individual properties are mutually enhancing upon one another, the whole is powerful than the sum of the part. When such blends harmonized, and complement with each other, the combination is known as “synergy”, achieve a greater result from aromatherapy.
By choosing Blu Scents Synergy Blend, you can experience the goodness of aromatherapy in a simpler way!!
BEDTIME 5ML Pure Essential Oil
* Calm the mind’s restless thoughts * Encourage a night of restorative sleep * Relaxes the nervous system * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume pricing. ... * Calm the mind’s restless thoughts * Encourage a night of restorative sl -
BEDTIME 30ML Pure Essential Oil
* Calm the mind’s restless thoughts * Encourage a night of restorative sleep * Relaxes the nervous system * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume pricing. ... * Calm the mind’s restless thoughts * Encourage a night of restorative sl -
BLISS 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Soothing and deeply relaxing properties * Cheering, creating a sheer of joy * Balancing effect on the emotions * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume pricing.... * Soothing and deeply relaxing properties * Cheering, creating a sheer of -
BLISS 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Soothing and deeply relaxing properties * Cheering, creating a sheer of joy * Balancing effect on the emotions * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume pricing.... * Soothing and deeply relaxing properties * Cheering, creating a sheer of -
BREATHE EASY 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air quality * Soothe colds, coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Strong antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air qua -
BREATHE EASY 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air quality * Soothe colds, coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get... * Strong antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air qua -
BREATHE WELL 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Great antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air quality * Soothe colds, coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Great antiseptic and antiviral properties * Reviving, improving air qual -
BUGS AWAY 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Safe and natural non-toxic alternatives * Keeping insects away from you * Great antiseptic and antiviral properties * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume pricing.... * Safe and natural non-toxic alternatives * Keeping insects away from you -
BUGS AWAY 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Safe and natural non-toxic alternatives * Keeping insects away from you * Great antiseptic and antiviral properties * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Safe and natural non-toxic alternatives * Keeping insects away from you -
DEEP SLEEP 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Promotes deep and restful sleep * Emotionally warming, calming and relaxing * Good for depression, grief and restlessness * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to... * Promotes deep and restful sleep * Emotionally warming, calming and -
DEEP SLEEP 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Promotes deep and restful sleep * Emotionally warming, calming and relaxing * Good for depression, grief and restlessness * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to... * Promotes deep and restful sleep * Emotionally warming, calming and -
DTOX 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Eliminates accumulation of water and toxic waste * Helps to break down fats and flushed out * Eliminates uric acid and helps with gout * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Eliminates accumulation of water and toxic waste * Helps to break down f -
FOOD FOR SOUL 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Deeply comforting, soothing and calming * Soothe and heal tired mind, body and spirit * Restore vitality, positive attitude frame of mind * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here ... * Deeply comforting, soothing and calming * Soothe and heal tired mind, body an -
FOOD FOR SOUL 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Deeply comforting, soothing and calming * Soothe and heal tired mind, body and spirit * Restore vitality, positive attitude frame of mind * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here ... * Deeply comforting, soothing and calming * Soothe and heal tired mind, body an -
HEALTH & LONGEVITY 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong antiseptics properties with uplift effect * Invokes powerful healing and curative energy * Strengthens the defence system * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Strong antiseptics properties with uplift effect * Invokes powerful healing a -
HEALTH & LONGEVITY 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong antiseptics properties with uplift effect * Invokes powerful healing and curative energy * Strengthens the defence system * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Strong antiseptics properties with uplift effect * Invokes powerful healing a -
INSPIRATION 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Uplifting yet calming quality * Helps to produce clarity of thought * Sharpens senses and encourages alertness * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Uplifting yet calming quality * Helps to produce clarity of thought * Sharpen -
LOVE & HARMONY 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Arouses your passions * Promote cooperation and romance * Harmonize your atmosphera * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Arouses your passions * Promote cooperation and romance * Harmonize your atmo -
JUST BREATHE 5ML Pure Essential Oil
* Exhibits natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties * Excellent to reduce nasal congestion * Helps keep allergies and infections at bay * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple... * Exhibits natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties * Exc -
JUST BREATHE 30ML Pure Essential Oil
* Exhibits natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties * Excellent to reduce nasal congestion * Helps keep allergies and infections at bay * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple... * Exhibits natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties * Exc -
MINTY MIND 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Cooling, refreshing and invigorating * Alleviates headaches and migraines * Sharpens senses and encourages concentration * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get... * Cooling, refreshing and invigorating * Alleviates headaches and mig -
MINTY MIND 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Cooling, refreshing and invigorating * Alleviates headaches and migraines * Sharpens senses and encourages concentration * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get... * Cooling, refreshing and invigorating * Alleviates headaches and mig -
PROSPEROUS AROMA 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong stimulating properties to cleanse spaces * Drive away evil energy and stagnant Chi * Clear negative energies and attract prosperity * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click... * Strong stimulating properties to cleanse spaces * Drive away evil energy and& -
PROSPEROUS AROMA 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Strong stimulating properties to cleanse spaces * Drive away evil energy and stagnant Chi * Clear negative energies and attract prosperity * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click... * Strong stimulating properties to cleanse spaces * Drive away evil energy and& -
SANDALWOOD BLEND 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Calming, sedative and promotes sleep * Brings peace to a troubled mind * Encourage contemplative state and meditation * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Calming, sedative and promotes sleep * Brings peace to a troubled mind * -
SILENCE 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Promotes a sense of emotional calm * Promotes silence and peace for our inner soul * Encourage contemplative state and meditation * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England ... * Promotes a sense of emotional calm * Promotes silence and peace for our inne -
SLEEP TIGHT 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Promote deep, quality and restful sleep * Bring peace and calm to a troubled mind * Eases feelings of panic, anxiety and fear * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Promote deep, quality and restful sleep * Bring peace and calm to a trouble -
SLEEP TIGHT 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Promote deep, quality and restful sleep * Bring peace and calm to a troubled mind * Eases feelings of panic, anxiety and fear * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here ... * Promote deep, quality and restful sleep * Bring peace and calm to a -
TENDER MIND 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Exceptional oil for headaches and migraines * Great calming and sedative properties * Promotes deep and restful sleep * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get volume... * Exceptional oil for headaches and migraines * Great calming and sedative pr -
TENDER MIND 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Exceptional oil for headaches and migraines * Great calming and sedative properties * Promotes deep and restful sleep * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity? Click here to get... * Exceptional oil for headaches and migraines * Great calming and sed -
WOMEN SECRET 5ml Pure Essential Oil
* Calming on mind, soothe anger and frustration * Excellent for anxiety, depression and stress * Useful for PMT, irregular periods, menopause * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity?... * Calming on mind, soothe anger and frustration * Excellent for anxiety, d -
WOMEN SECRET 30ml Pure Essential Oil
* Calming on mind, soothe anger and frustration * Excellent for anxiety, depression and stress * Useful for PMT, irregular periods, menopause * Synergy Blend of 100% pure essential oil, 100% naturally extracted from plants * Concentrated and with therapeutic grade, source from members of ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) in England Need get multiple quantity?... * Calming on mind, soothe anger and frustration * Excellent for anxiety, d